Key Role
Responsibility for implementing the SCS Strategic Plan is vested in the School Advisory Board whose members will work in close collaboration with the Pastor and the Principal in their leadership roles of determining policies for the effective administration of Saint Catherine of Siena School.
The Saint Catherine of Siena School Advisory Board is rooted in the Decree of the Apostolate of Lay People of the Second Vatican Council which states:
“To the apostles and their successors Christ has entrusted the office of teaching, sanctifying and governing in His name and by His power. But the laity are meant to share in the priestly, prophetical and kingly office of Christ; they have therefore, in the Church and in the world, their own assignments in the mission of the people of God.” (Apostolicam Actuositatem, Chapter 12)
As such, the Saint Catherine of Siena School Advisory Board provides a vehicle for the laity of the Saint Catherine of Siena Community to participate, in an advisory capacity, in the governance of Saint Catherine of Siena School.
The purpose of the School Advisory Board is to assist the Pastor and the Principal in their leadership roles of determining policies for the effective administration of Saint Catherine of Siena School.
The committees formed under the direction of the School Advisory Board include: